McDonald’s McPlant Plant-Based Burger Test Kicks Off In US Next Month

We have known for a while that McDonald’s is testing its own plant -based hamburgers offer called ‘McPlant’, but until now it has not been available for consumers in the United States. That changes at the beginning of next month when McDonald’s will start trying the McPlant in selected restaurants throughout the country. Because this is just an execution test, hamburgers will be available for a limited time.

McDonald’s announced his new US pilot career. Uu. At the end of last week, stating that his McPlant offer will be available in eight total restaurants in the US. UU. As of November 3. This is, obviously, a small scale test of the plants -based product, which has already been available as proof in several other countries.

This new test not only intends to see how well McDonald’s customers such as McPlant: The company says it will also give you time to see how to add a plants based on the menu will affect their cooking operations. Plant -based empanada was made specifically for McDonald’s in association with Beyond Meat; The Patty obtains its protein and other ingredients of potatoes, peas and rice.

Leaving McPlant’s empanada aside, next to the plant, it will be a McDonald’s hamburger with ketchup and mustard, a portion of American cheese, pickles, onion, tomato and lettuce, as well as a sesame seed bun. The company says that the McPlant retains the iconic McDonald’s taste that makes its food easily distinguishable from other food products.

We do not know the specific stores where the McPlant will be tested in the United States, but McDonald’s said they will be located in the following cities and states. The test will be executed while supplies for this product are available. 

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